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Lin Marsh Songscape Series - Junior Songscape Earth, Sea and Sky (Book and CD)

Lin Marsh Songscape Series Earth Sea Sky
Media/Arrangement: Piano/Vocal/Guitar (with CD)
Category: Songbooks
Publisher: Faber Music
Order Code: 0571522068


Product Description

This is a collection of 25 original songs themed on the elements: Earth, Sea and Sky. The original idea was conceived for a cluster of primary schools in Devon who were embarking on a 'Planet Earth' whole school project.

As a result, the Sea songs are aimed at Years 1 and 2, Years 3 and 4 tackle the Earth songs and Years 5 and 6 have the Sky songs. Although conceived as a whole school project, Earth, Sea and Sky works equally as well as a song book to dip in and out of.

The songs are written with a sensitivity for the range and skills of the age group they are designed for and any part writing is optional, allowing even less confident choirs to get involved and get singing. This is a wonderful follow on from Junior songscape building on Lin Marsh's well established and much loved classroom singing resouces.


1) Big Boats, Small Boats
2) Pirates!
3) Playing On The Beach
4) The Rock Pool
5) The Lighthouse
6) Seagull
7) We’re Going Swimming
8) Underwater
9) Desert
10) The Dinosaur Gang
11) Mighty Glacier
12) River Journey
13) Mountain Air
14) The Rainforest
15) The Swamp
16) There’s A Rumbling And A Rolling
17) I Am The Wind
18) Aliens!
19) Hot-Air Balloon
20) Space Travel
21) Communication
22) Gravity!
23) Silver Moon
24) Stars
25) Earth, Sea And Sky

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