1) Across the Line [Trad.]
2) Coconut Man [Aubrey Beswick]
3) All Jolly Fellows [Trad.]
4) Blomman bland blommorna [Trad.]
5) I will walk with my love [Trad.]
6) Chili lo [Trad.]
7) Come, my lads [Trad.]
8) Leanabh an aigh [Trad.]
9) Drozyna [Trad.]
10) En roulant ma boule [Trad.]
11) Morning has broken
12) Kangding qingge [Trad.]
13) Pentozalis [Trad.]
14) Little Boats [Trad.]
15) Perica [Trad.]
16) The Forsaken Maiden [Trad.]
17) London Birds [Geoffrey Shaw]
18) Vse tieice lepo pojo [Trad.]
19) Poco Poppa Pizza and Mama Piccolo [Betty Roe]
20) The Coventry Carol [Anon.]
21) The Dark Island [Trad.]
22) The Frog [Nina Perry]
23) The Little Spanish Town [Peter Jenkyns]
24) The Mallow Fling [Trad.]
25) The Oak and the Ash [Trad.]
26) The Sweet Nightingale [W. H. Anderson]
27) Twilight [Aubrey Beswick]
28) Westering home [Trad.]
29) Wiegenlied [Bernhard Flies]
30) Wiegenlied [Franz Schubert]