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America's All-Time Favorite Songs - For God and Country

Americas All Time Favorite Songs
Media/Arrangement: Piano/Vocal/Guitar
Publisher: Hal Leonard
Order Code: AM985314


Product Description

Nowhere else will you find gathered together into one priceless treasury so many of your favourite American folk songs, patriotic anthems and marches, heart songs, sea chanteys, colonial songs, civil war songs, hymns, gospel songs, spirituals, Christmas carols, memorial songs and sacred classics.

This comprehensive volume includes over 175 full Piano arrangements with complete lyrics and chord symbols and is illustrated with woodcuts, engravings and drawings throughout.


1) A Life On The Ocean Wave [Russel, Henry]
2) A Mighty Fortress Is Our God [Luther, Martin]
3) Abide With Me [Monk, William Henry]
4) Across The Wide Missouri
5) Agnus Dei [Bizet, Georges]
6) Alabama [Gockel-Gussen, Edna]
7) All Hail The Power Of Jesus’ Name [Holden, Oliver]
8) All My Heart This Night Rejoices [Ebeling, Johann Georg]
9) All People That On Earth Do Dwell [Bourgeois, Louis]
10) All Things Bright And Beautiful [Monk, William H.]
11) All Through The Night
12) Alleluja [Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus]
13) Amazing Grace
14) America
15) America, The Beautiful [Ward, Samuel A.]
16) Anchors Aweigh [Zimmerman, Charles A.]
17) Angels From The Realms Of Glory [Smart, Henry]
18) Angels We Have Heard On High
19) As With Gladness, Men Of Old [Kocher, Konrad]
20) Auld Lang Syne
21) Ave Maria [Bach, Johann Sebastian] [Gounod, Charles]
22) Ave Maria [Schubert, Franz]
23) Away In A Manger [Anon]
24) Away In A Manger [Murray, James R.]
25) Away Rio
26) Battle Hymn Of The Republic
27) Behold That Star
28) Blessed Assurance [Knapp, Phoebe P.] [Crosby, Fanny J.]
29) Blow The Man Down
30) Blow Your Trumpet, Gabriel
31) Bridal Chorus (Lohengrin) [Wagner, Richard]
32) Brightest And Best [Mendelssohn, Felix]
33) But The Lord Is Mindful Of His Own (St. Paul) [Mendelssohn, Felix]
34) Carry Me Back To Old Virginny [Bland, James A.]
35) Cherished Names [Marshall, L.B.]
36) Christ The Lord Is Risen Today
37) Christ Was Born On Christmas Day
38) Christians Awake [Wainwright, John]
39) Columbia, The Gem Of The Ocean [Shaw, David T.] [Becket, Thomas A.]
40) Come, Ye Thankful People, Come [Elvey, George J.]
41) Comrades, Sleep [Marshall, L.B.]
42) Coventry Carol
43) Danny Boy
44) Day Is Dying In The West [Sherwin, William F.]
45) Deep River
46) Faith of Our Fathers [Hemy, Henri F.]
47) Flag OF The Free [Wagner, Richard] [McCaskey, J.P.]
48) Git On Board, Little Children
49) Give Me That Old Time Religion
50) Glorious Things Of Thee Are Spoken [Haydn, Franz Joseph]
51) Go Tell It On The Mountain
52) God Be with You Till We Meet Again [Tomer, William]
53) God Of Our Fathers [Warren, George W.] [Roberts, Daniel C.]
54) God Save America [Lvov, Alexis F.]
55) Good King Wenceslas
56) Hail To The Chief [Sanderson, James]
57) Hail, Columbia [Phile, Philip]
58) Hallelujah Chorus (Messiah) [Handel, George Frideric]
59) Hark! The Herald Angels Sing [Mendelssohn, Felix]
60) He Leadeth Me [Bradbury, William B.] [Gilmore, Joseph]
61) He Shall Feed His Flock (Messiah) [Handel, George Frideric]
62) He’s Got The Whole World In His Hand
63) He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands
64) Holy, Holy, Holy [Dykes, John B.] [Heber, Reginald]
65) Home Again From A Foreign Shore [Pike, Marshall S.]
66) Home On The Range
67) Home, Sweet Home [Bishop, Henry R.]
68) How Sweet The Name Of Jesus Sounds [Reinagle, Alexander R.]
69) I Know That My Redeemer Liveth (Messiah) [Handel, George Frideric]
70) I Love to Tell the Story [Fischer, William G.]
71) I Need Thee Every Hour [Lowry, Robert] [Hawks, Annie S.]
72) I Saw Three Ships
73) Illinois [Chamberlain, C.H.]
74) In The Sweet By And By [Webster, Joseph P.] [Bennett, Sanford Fillmore]
75) It Came Upon The Midnight Clear [Willis, Richard Storrs]
76) Jerusalem, The Golden [Ewing, Alexander]
77) Jesu, Joy Of Man’s Desiring [Bach, Johann Sebastian]
78) Jesus, Lover Of My Soul [Marsh, Simeon B.] [Wesley, Charles]
79) Jesus, Loves Me, This I Know [Bradbury, William B.]
80) Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me [Gould, John E.]
81) Joshua (Fit The Battle Of Jericho)
82) Joshua Fit The Battle Of Jericho
83) Joy To The World
84) Just as I Am [Bradbury, William B.] [Elliott, Charlotte]
85) Just Before The Battle, Mother [Root, George F.]
86) Keep The Home Fires Burning [Novello, Ivor]
87) Kumbayah
88) Lead Us Heavenly Father [Filitz, Friedrich]
89) Lead, Kindly Light [Dykes, John B.]
90) Let My People Go
91) Let Us Break Bread Together
92) Mary Had A Baby
93) Maryland! My Maryland!
94) Meet Me In St. Louis, Louis [Mills, Kerry]
95) Memorial Day [Blamire, Susanna]
96) Michigan, My Michigan [Miessner, W. Otto]
97) My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean
98) My Faith Looks Up to Thee [Mason, Lowell] [Palmer, Ray]
99) My Heart Ever Faithful [Bach, Johann Sebastian]
100) My Old Kentucky Home [Foster, Stephen]
101) Nearer, My God, To Thee [Mason, Lowell]
102) New England, New England [Stoddard, I.T.]
103) Nobody Knows The Trouble I’ve Seen
104) O Come All Ye Faithful
105) O Come, O Come Immanuel
106) O Day Of Rest And Gladness
107) O God Our Help In Ages Past [Croft, William]
108) O Holy Night [Adam, Adolphe]
109) O Little Town Of Bethlehem [Redner, Lewis H.]
110) O Thou Who Dryest the Mourner’s Tear [Haydn, Franz Joseph]
111) On The Banks Of The Wabash [Dresser, Paul]
112) On Wisconsin [Purdy, W.T.]
113) One More River To Cross
114) One Sweetly Solemn Thought [Ambrose, Robert Steele]
115) Onward, Christian Soldiers [Sullivan, Arthur]
116) Over There [Cohan, George M.]
117) Panis Angelicus [Franck, Cesar]
118) Prayer Of Thanksgiving
119) Prepare Thyself, Zion (Christmas Oratorio) [Bach, Johann Sebastian]
120) Rally Round The Flag [Root, George F.]
121) Red River Valley
122) Ring Out, Wild Bells [Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus]
123) Rise Up, Shepherd, An’ Follow
124) Rise Up, Shepherd, And Follow!
125) Rock Of Ages [Hastings, Thomas]
126) Rocked In The Cradle Of The Deep [Knight, J.P.]
127) Sailing, Sailing [Marks, Godfrey]
128) Shall We Gather At The River [Lowry, Robert]
129) Shall We Gather at the River? [Lowry, Robert]
130) She Wore A Yellow Ribbon [Norton, George A.]
131) She’ll Be Coming Round The Mountain
132) Silent Night [Gruber, Franz]
133) Silent Night [Gruber, Franz] [Mohr, Josef]
134) Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Chiild
135) Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child
136) Speed Our Republic [Keller, Mathias]
137) Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus [Webb, George J.]
138) Standin’ In The Need Of Prayer
139) Steal Away
140) Steal Away (Steal Away To Jesus)
141) Sweet And Low [Barnby, Sir Joseph]
142) Sweet Hour Of Prayer [Bradbury, William B.]
143) Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
144) Taps
145) Tell Me Why
146) Tenting Tonight [Kittridge, William]
147) The Air Force Hymn [Baker, Henry]
148) The American Flag [Tufts, John W.]
149) The Army Hymn [Baker, Henry]
150) The Caissons Go Rolling Along [Gruber, Edmund L.]
151) The Church’s One Foundation [Wesley, Samuel S.]
152) The First Nowell
153) The Girl I Left Behind Me
154) The Holy Babe [Dykes, John B.]
155) The Lord’s My Shepherd [Irvine, Jessie S.]
156) The Marine’s Hymn
157) The Minstrel Boy
158) The Navy Hymn [Dykes, John B.]
159) The Old Rugged Cross [Bennard, George]
160) The Palms [Faure, Jean-baptiste]
161) The Sailor’s Grave
162) The Sidewalks Of New York [Lawlor, Charles] [Blake, James]
163) The Soldier’s Farewell [Kinkel, Johanna]
164) The Spacious Firmament On High [Haydn, Franz Joseph]
165) The Stars And Stripes Forever [Sousa, John Philip]
166) The Star-spangled Banner [Smith, John Stafford]
167) The Yellow Rose Of Texas
168) There Are Many Flags in many lands [Howliston, Mary H.]
169) There Is A green Hill Far Away [Stebbins, George C.]
170) There Is A Happy Land [Breedlove, Leonard P.]
171) Tramp, Tramp, Tramp [Root, George F.]
172) Wave, Wave, Wave [Tufts, John W.]
173) Way Down Upon The Swanee River [Foster, Stephen]
174) We Plough The Fields And Scatter [Schulz, Johann Abraham Peter]
175) We Three Kings Of Orient Are [Hopkins, John Henry Jr.]
176) Were You There
177) What A Friend We Have In Jesus [Converse, Charles C.] [Scriven, Joseph]
178) When I Survey The Wondrous Cross [Miller, Edward]
179) When Johnny Comes Marching Home [Gilmore, Patrick S.]
180) When The Saints Go Marching In
181) Whispering Hope [Hawthorne, Alice]
182) Yankee Doodle
183) Yankee Doodle Dandy
184) You’re a Grand Old Flag [Cohan, George M.]
185) You’re In The Army Now

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