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All Jazzed Up For F Horn

All Jazzed Up For F Horn
Media Type: Book [Softcover]
Media/Arrangement: F Horn and Piano
Publisher: Brass Wind Publications
Order Code: BWP1108F


Product Description

A collection of extremely varied and well known songs - from the 1940's to 1980's - covering jazz and light popular styles. These melodies are suited to the easy to intermediate grades with a careful allocation of note ranges toenable the young and developing embouchure (lip and facial muscles ) to play in a comfortable and musical manner. The pieces are arranged with attention to scalic and rhythmic development whilst giving the musical satisfaction ofwell known and simple songs such as the Pink Panther Theme. The lyrical O Sole Mio gives the opportunity of phrasing and breath control development whilst articulation and note recognition is provided by tunes like thejazzstandard Sweet Georgia Brown and the comic Odd Job. Chord symbols are provided in the accompaniment part for additional enhancement or ensemble with other rhythm instruments.

Genre: Jazz
Pages: 16
Publisher: Brass Wind Publications
ISMN: 9790570272068


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