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Carol Barratt: Under And Over - Chester's Easiest Scale Book

Carol Barratt Under And Over Chesters Easiest Scale Book
Media Type: Book [Softcover]
Media/Arrangement: Piano
Category: Tutors
Publisher: Chester Music
Order Code: CH75933


Product Description

Under And Over is the easiest and best way to learn to play scales properly!

Taking the player from the basics, it introduces scales progressively and works through fun exercises (finger twisters!) to createsolidtechnique and musicianship for playing smooth, steady and even scales. This foundation will make an obvious difference to all performance pieces.

Under And Over gives an easy to follow framework for learning,whichboth teacher and pupil will find invaluable. Scales become a fun part of each lesson to be approached with confidence.

The book contains everything you need to prepare for both the Associated Board and TrintyGuildhallGrade 1 and Prep test exams.

Series: Chester's Easiest Piano
Genre: Tuition
Language: English
Pages: 48
Publisher: Chester Music
ISBN: 9781849382960


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