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School Daze (10th Anniversary Edition) - By Andrew Oxspring

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School Daze
Media/Arrangement: Printed Book with CD
Category: End of Year and Leavers Musical Play - Edgy Productions
Order Code: EP01

Bestseller KS2 CD

‘My sons class did this for their leavers play. Was fantastic, though spent the last song 'one day at a time' in tears. Brilliant songs, fantastic experience for both performers and audience, ten gold stars.’  - Philippa, North Walkden Primary School.

Product Description

School Daze is the best-selling end-of-year/leaver’s production from Edgy Productions and has raised the roof in thousands of primary schools over the years!

Look back and celebrate your children’s time at school as we remember (and laugh at) those unique things that make it so special - parents’ evenings, nits, over-the-top teachers, embarrassing walks to school holding Mum’s hand, experimenting with hair gel and make-up, PE lessons, SATs ... the list is endless!

The Book and CD Pack includes full script with staging tips, a CD of vocal tracks, backing tracks, continuity music and sound effects and a piano score with voice line and guitar chords.

Also available is a CD-ROM of Digital Backdrops containing six images in the sequence they are required throughout the script, supplied in both a PowerPoint presentation and as individual JPG files. No more scenery painting! These images may be projected onto a screen or wall at the back of your stage or hand them to a local printer to print onto large boards or sheets in order to create your stage backdrops. They're also useful to print off for cast and stage crew to familiarise themselves with the sets and scene changes.

Approximate Duration: 60 minutes


1) Old School Days
2) Teachers Have It Easy
3) A.T.T.I.T.U.D.E.
4) Parental Consultation Evening
5) The Nits Blues
6) It’s Nearly Time To Take Your SATs
7) A Touch Of Lipstick
8) One Day At A Time

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