Behind The Stable Door - By Sarah Baker and Andrew Oxspring
7 customer reviews
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‘This is a wonderful whole school production, with a fun and poignant telling of the Christmas Story. Year 4 lead the acting with the songs being split from Year 1 upwards, it worked brilliantly and I would encourage any Primary or Junior School to consider this production for next year! Thank you Sarah Baker for writing such wonderful catchy songs which the whole school, including staff, loved singing! I will certainly be encouraging my other schools to perform this next year.’
- CV, Music Peri for Tiverton Academy.
Product Description
Why are a cat, a dog, an ox, a donkey, a sheep and three camels all sitting outside a stable on a chilly, starry night? Well, the innkeeper’s wife has a bee in her bonnet and has declared her stable ‘out-of-bounds’ to all animals!
Something very curious is happening behind the closed door and the evicted animals want to find out what it is. As they discuss the events leading to each of them being here, they start to piece together clues in the hope of finding an answer.
A Nativity musical for KS1 and KS2 (ages 4-9). Book and CD Pack includes full script with staging tips; a CD of vocal tracks, backing tracks, continuity music and sound effects; and a piano score with voice line and guitar chords. The CD-ROM pack version replaces the wire-bound A4 book and includes the script (in both PDF and MS Word format) and score (in PDF format) on the CD-ROM, allowing you to re-write or individualise the text, dialogue and lyrics to suit your needs; and to print as many scripts as you require from your PC (the CD-ROM pack also includes an audio CD of music as with the Book and CD version).
Approximate Duration: 45 minutes
1) Behind The Stable Door
2) Bustling About
3) Dozy Donkey
4) Wake Up!
5) Grumpy Camels
6) Gifts Of Love
7) Get Up!