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Crikey, Moses! - By Sheila Wilson

Crikey Moses
Media/Arrangement: Piano/Vocal/Guitar
Category: All Year Round Musical Play - Golden Apple
Order Code: GA11209


Product Description

A school musical with eight fun and thought-provoking songs about Moses, Pharoah, the bulrushes, the burning bush, the plagues, the Ten Commandments and more.

The eight songs can be sung individually or as part of a musical play. Suitable for Key Stages 2 and 3.

The matching CD contains all the songs plus backing tracks to sing along to.

Approximate Duration: 30 mins


1) Pharaho! (What I Say Gets Done...)
2) Who’s That Crying?
3) Holy Moses!
4) I Am Who I Am
5) Gnats, Gnats, Everywhere! (Even In Your Underwear!)
6) Lord Have Mercy (3 Part Round)
7) Crikey, Moses!
8) Love Your God!

Cast List

Narrators (3)
Pharaoh 1
Pharaoh's servants
Hebrew slaves
Midwives (2)
Moses' mother
Moses' sister
Pharaoh's daughter
Her attendants
Pharaoh 2 (optional)
Slave drivers and foremen
Egyptian mothers
Israelite* people
Eqyptian army

* The words Hebrew and Israelite and both used for the same people during this play.

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