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Wackadoo Zoo, The - By Jill Gallina

The Wackadoo Zoo
Media/Arrangement: Vocal Score
Category: All Year Round Musical Play
Order Code: SP19730


Product Description

A classic musical featuring mixed-up but happy animals who make the wrong sounds - cows that meow, lions that crow, monkeys that bray and more!

A Professor of Linguistics tries to straighten them out, with hilarious results.

The show teaches the important lesson that ‘different is special’ and features six songs for unison voices including ‘The Strangest Zoo You Ever Knew’, ‘Horrible Sounds’, ‘Practice Makes Perfect’ and ‘Different Is Special’.

The staging is simple; there are no sets and few props. Costumes may be elaborate or simple, as desired.

For a half-hour of pure fun and funniness that can be easily staged at any time of the year, nothing can beat a visit to The Wackadoo Zoo.

Approximate Duration: 30 minutes


1) The Strangest Zoo You Ever Knew (Chorus)
2) A Smile Can Go A Long, Long Way (Animals and Chorus)
3) Horrible Sounds (Professor, Animals, Chorus)
4) Practice Makes Perfect (Professor, Animals, Chorus)
5) Go Home, Professor (Professor, Animals, Chorus)
6) Different Means Special (Animals and Chorus)
7) A Smile Can Go A Long, Long Way (Professor, Animals, Chorus) (Reprise)

Cast List

Two Narrators
Speaking parts only (which may be read), though the Narrators will want to sing along in the finale.

The only fairly heavy speaking part (some of which maybe read from his 'speech book'). The Professor also sings solos in three songs.

Animals: Lions, Monkeys, Pigs, Goats and Cows
Each of the five groups of animals has a small amount of speaking. There are a few very short animal solos and the animals as a whole sing in every song, possibly excepting the first. There may be as few as three animals per group.

1st Child and 2nd Child
One small speech each.

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