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Harvest Rock! - By Sheila Wilson

Harvest Rock
Media/Arrangement: Printed Book
Category: Autumn Term Musical Play - Redhead Music
Order Code: SWHVR251

Bestseller KS1 KS2

Product Description

At last, another new Harvest musical from Sheila Wilson, composer of 'Hooray for Harvest!' and 'Easy Peasy Harvest!'. 'Harvest Rock!' has five songs plus a reprise, for key stages 1 and 2, encompassing Autumn, nutrition and harvest themes.

It's ideal for ages 5-12, and can be used either as a ready-made harvest festival or for autumn term assemblies. The title song and reprise (Harvest Rock and Roll!) is - as you'd expect - a fun song, with optional line-dancing style actions and kazoos. It's bound to become an annual favourite! Songs 3 & 5 (Simple Song of Gratitude & Change the World) are poignant and inspiring, whilst song 2 (In the Autumn) is catchy and song 4 (Eat a Rainbow Every Day) is a toe-tapping encouragement to eat a good variety of foods. The five/six songs are quick to learn and enjoyable to sing (with optional two-part vocals and instrumentals).

When combined with the readings in the wordbook (or with class material), they create a complete, easy and impressive harvest festival service. The CD provides lovely backing tracks, as well as the songs sung by children.

Approximate Duration: 25 minutes


1) Change The World
2) Eat A Rainbow Every Day!
3) Harvest Rock & Roll
4) Harvest Rock & Roll!
5) In The Autumn
6) Simple Song Of Gratitude

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