Pop-Up Nativity, The - By Sheila Wilson
Product Description
The Pop-Up Nativity is a fun, easy and very adaptable Christmas play or show, ideal for early years, pre-school, nursery, reception and easy KS1 (ages 3 to 6 approximately). It can also be performed as a puppet show!
Sheila Wilson gives you full permission to adapt it to suit the ages and abilities of your children and the constraints of the school, church or hall in which it's performed.
The six songs and reprises have funky backing tracks and are catchy and engaging, with simple actions. You can easily substitute one or two songs with a carol or nursery rhyme if desired. As the 'Pop-Up' title suggests, no stage is necessary and nor is scenery, unless you would like to incorporate them. Please enjoy ... it's Christmas, after all!
Approximate Duration: 20 minutes
1) Pop-Up Nativity!
2) Everyone Shout ’Hooray!’
3) Everyone Shout ’Hooray!’ (reprise 1)
4) Shoobie-Doobie-Woobie
5) No way!
6) Sleepy Song
7) Everyone Shout ’Hooray!’ (reprise 2)
8) Everyone Loves a Present!