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The Um-Pah Collection of Vocal Warm-Up Exercises - CD with Printable Piano Score

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Um Pah Vocal Warm Up Exercises
Media/Arrangement: Enhanced CD
Category: Vocal Warm-Ups
Publisher: Writers of Note! Ltd
Order Code: WON0003


‘This is a fantastic CD of vocal warm up exercises! From absolute beginner to the established professional, this extensive collection of vocal exercises is a fun, quick and easy way of warming up the voice. The exercises cover diction, tone, breath control and a wide vocal range. Just put the CD on and feel like you are in a group warm up session of a West End show!’  - TS, Actor and the "BBC Radio 2 Voice of Musical Theatre 2005".

Product Description

The Um-Pah Collection of Vocal Warm-Up Exercises CD (with Printable Piano Score accessible from the CD) is for adults and younger voices (ages 10 upwards) and contains 10 singing exercises, vocal games and tongue-twisters - all technically valuable, stimulating and great fun (especially as they get faster and faster!).

You can listen to the performance tracks, sing along with the professional vocalists or just sing solo to the backing tracks. Use the exercises as simple warm-ups or as part of a regular practice routine. They are ideal for solo singers, choir leaders, Musical Directors, singing teachers and vocal coaches.

If you direct your singers from the Piano, you can print out the Piano score for each exercise as many times as you need from the CD via your PC or Mac connected to a printer. Even is you never intend to play the Piano part, do look at the Piano score for more advice and ideas.


1) Breathing (for breath control)
2) Time For A Hum (for placing of sound)
3) Hum To An Ah (placing of sound over a wider range)
4) A Serious Bit Of Fun (breathing and tone)
5) The Long Breath (more breathing and tone)
6) Top Of The World (arpeggios over a wide range)
7) A Good Sing (vocal tone)
8) Hallelujah! (diction)
9) Phantom Of The Opera (more diction)
10) Um-pah Stick It Up Your Jumper (let’s get physical)

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