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Tempest, The - By Nick Perrin and Ruth Kenward

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The Tempest
Media/Arrangement: Printed Book with Enhanced CD
Category: All Year Round Musical Play - Starshine Music
Order Code: 9781905591442

Bestseller KS2 KS3 CD

‘It was a brilliant introduction to Shakespeare - very user friendly for the children. The performance itself was a massive success. The music was fantastic with its many different styles and the children loved the comedy sketches. The show gave all the children the chance to do something special - no-one was left out!’  - JC, Deputy Head Teacher, Co. Durham.

Product Description

This amazing musical introduction to Shakespeare's 'The Tempest' is brilliantly adapted for children to perform and contains all the meaty themes of the original: betrayal, justice and forgiveness, seasoned with plenty of comedy and mystery!

Prospero and his daughter Miranda have been marooned on a desert island for many years, after Prospero's brother Antonio betrayed him. Prospero uses his magical power to cause a tempest, bringing a passing ship onto the rocks. Among the survivors are Antonio and other treacherous characters, all of whom are eventually brought to justice after plenty of mischief has taken place!

As a result of the shipwreck, Miranda sets eyes on another human being for the first time since she was three years old: Prince Ferdinand, the son of Alonso, King of Naples (who had plotted with Prospero's brother to kill him). Miranda is horrified that - in raising the storm - her father has caused innocent Ferdinand huge suffering.

Eventually, once Prospero has learnt that the only way forward is to set everyone free from the past through forgiveness, Miranda realises that no real harm has been done. Sub-plots involve other colourful characters: the monster Caliban, a pair of comic drunkards and mystical sprite Ariel.

The music is wonderfully evocative, capturing all the many moods of the play as it moves from the darkness of the opening storm through to the bright forgiveness of the final number, via monstrous, mysterious and hilarious episodes on the way!

The script and songs are written in contemporary English. However, optional extracts from Shakespeare's original script are included and these may be used to add an even more authentic flavour to the play. Contains 10 songs. Age guide 8 to 12 years.

The Director's Pack contains everything you need to stage a successful show including the Director's Book with director's overview, cast list, synopsis, notes, script, score, lyrics, helpful staging suggestions and performance licence application form. The included Enhanced CD contains full vocal demonstrations of the songs for the children to learn and separate instrumental backing tracks for performance use (no pianist required), along with printable files of the pupil script and lyric sheets (which allows you to print off as many copies as you require).

Approximate Duration: 55 minutes


1) Ding Dong
2) Hobgoblin Dance
3) If You Want To Be A King
4) It’s Over Now
5) Let’s All Have A Little Drink
6) Miserable Monster
7) The Tempest (Part One)
8) The Tempest (Part Two)
9) The Time Has Come
10) Twelve Long Years Ago
11) Washing Line

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