Dotdismus Music Shop
Piano, Vocal and Guitar. Cassette.
Rainbow 'Colours' are rehearsing their show, each with a special song and dance - Red for danger, zany Orange, cheerful Yellow, harmonious Blue and Green, shy Violet and moody Indigo. But when the 'Monochromes' arrive on the scene, they block out the light with clouds, overshadowing the colours. Just in time, the Sunlight breaks through, encouraging the Colours and Monochromes to work together. The result is a dramatic thunderstorm followed by a bright rainbow, making the most spectacular show on earth!
The well-known story of Jack and his pursuit of success and riches is retold in verse and dialogue with a rather different Giant - he is only 3 feet 8 inches tall!
This musical is a great resource for a class space project. Space Cadets are sent to Moonbase X to repair the resident Androids that have a virus. During the flight, the Cadets experience the loud blast off, smooth silent orbit and bumpy landing!
The tale of this much-loved feline is given a fresh make-over, with a hilarious script by Andrew Oxspring and wonderfully catchy songs by Ian Faraday.
A brand new musical comedy with the modern and ancient Olympics as its theme. This musical has gone down a storm in pre-publication performances (especially the songs) and is a brilliant way to enthuse your children about the greatest sporting event on earth!
If your product comes complete with a CD or if you purchase a CD separately, then the tracks on the CD can easily be converted to MP3 files by using, for example, the "Rip CD" option in the Windows Media Player on a PC. This will then enable you to use the tracks in digital format if your venue does not have a CD player available.
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