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Nativity Plays and Christmas Musicals  >  Edgy Productions  >  All Ages

Apprentice, The - By Daisy Bond and Ian Faraday
For ages 5 to 11

3 reviews
A brand new musical nativity play about Simeon, a kind old carpenter from Bethlehem, and his apprentice, a young girl called Sarah, who's skills and talents are really put to the test one starry night when it seems that everyone in Bethlehem needs a bit of woodwork doing!
Aspects Of Christmas - By Ian Faraday
For ages 7 to 11

2 reviews
With a simple script linking ten superb new songs, this is a perfect resource for either a full production or simply as a selection of musical numbers with which to celebrate everyone’s favourite time of year.
Baa Baa Bethlehem - By Daisy Bond and Ian Faraday
For ages 5 to 11

4 reviews
In this imaginative new nativity musical, we discover that wonderful things do indeed come in small packages! For four young shepherds, being ‘bottom of the heap’ is no fun. They never get to leave the hillside and take the sheep to market and are never allowed to sit near the fire on cold evenings - such treats are reserved for the older shepherds.
Behind The Stable Door - By Sarah Baker and Andrew Oxspring
For ages 5 to 11

7 reviews
Why are a cat, a dog, an ox, a donkey, a sheep and three camels all sitting outside a stable on a chilly, starry night? Well, the innkeeper’s wife has a bee in her bonnet and has declared her stable ‘out-of-bounds’ to all animals!
Bethlehem B and B - By Nick Haworth and Andrew Oxspring
For ages 5 to 11
Bethlehem B&B is a nativity musical for the whole school (ages 4-11). Bethlehem’s smallest inn, The Happy Donkey, has been receiving some pretty horrible reviews in the local B&B guide! It appears that a rival innkeeper is employing some underhand tactics to boost the ratings and profits of his own establishment, Caesar’s Palace Guesthouse.
Bethlehem's Buzzin' - By Daisy Bond and Ian Faraday
For ages 5 to 7

4 reviews
This witty yet sensitive adaptation of the traditional nativity story is a delightful reminder of the true message of Christmas.
Christmas With The Krackers - By Lisa and Mark Hilton
For ages 7 to 11
Meet the Krackers - a family experiencing a Christmas crisis! Their total loss of ‘Ho! Ho! Ho!’ calls for some serious elf-help and festive magic from the North Pole’s most special agents, a pair of talking pets, a dishevelled fairy and some over-heated polar bears!
Gabriel's Big Break - By Daisy Bond and Ian Faraday
For ages 5 to 11

4 reviews
A brand new Christmas and Nativity musical for KS1 and KS2.
Gimme, Gimme, Gimme! - By Lou Gardiner and Andrew Oxspring
For ages 7 to 11

6 reviews
The North Pole is in meltdown! Despite modernising and updating operations with a new hi-tech customer services centre, the elves are struggling to cope with the quantity and variety of presents being asked for … so Santa takes drastic action!
Happy-Clappy Nativity, A - By Ian Faraday and Daisy Bond
For ages 5 to 11

1 review
A Happy-Clappy Nativity is a Nativity musical full of happiness (and clappiness!) for KS1 & lower KS2 (ages 4-9).
How Christmas Came To Be - By Andrew Oxspring and Ian Faraday
For ages 5 to 11
Take a musical journey through the ages and discover how the Christmas we know and love came to be. With plenty of comedy moments and catchy songs in a variety of styles, we travel from Ancient Rome right up to the 21st century, meeting some weird, wonderful, familiar and not-so-familiar characters on our journey in this fabulous musical suitable for 6-11 year olds!
It's A Nativity - By Andrew Oxspring
For ages 5 to 7

2 reviews
The nativity story told through narrations, a simple script and seven delightfully-catchy and easy-to-learn songs ... that’s it, in a nutshell!
It's Chr-i-i-i-stmas! - By Andrew Oxspring and Ian Faraday
For ages 5 to 11

2 reviews
This 'pop-tastic' musical will make you feel like you're at the coolest Christmas party ever! Set against the background of a festive chart show, the traditional Nativity is told by a delightful variety of 'bands' and 'artists', all key characters in the familiar story. Through wonderful pastiches and parodies of our favourite seasonal rock and pop anthems, and a simple but witty script, the first ever Christmas is presented like never before and is guaranteed to get your whole school rocking as we count down the hits to see who is top of the festive pop charts!
Mr Humbug Sees The Light - By Andrew Oxspring
For ages 7 to 11

6 reviews
This super musical sees the Dickens tale, A Christmas Carol, brought bang up to date and set in school! Headteacher, Mr Humbug, hates Christmas because it gets in the way of ‘proper’ work and costs too much, so he bans it!
Out-Of-This-World Christmas, An - By Andrew Oxspring
For ages 5 to 11

3 reviews
When a space craft crash-lands on a distant planet, the astronauts face the real possibility of not getting back home in time to enjoy Christmas with their loved ones! Can they convince their weird and wonderful alien hosts to give them a helping hand? Will they be able to share with them a little festive fun? And can the true message of Christmas still be understood millions of light years from Earth?
Primary School Christmas Musical - By Andrew Oxspring and Mick Riddell
For ages 7 to 11

15 reviews
A Christmas and Nativity Musical for 7-11 year olds. What goes into putting on a spectacular Christmas musical at school? Making costumes, painting scenery and learning lines aren’t even the half of it! Join us on a truly rollercoaster ride, as we take a look behind the scenes at everything and everyone involved in making a school production happen.
Santa's On Strike - By Andrew Oxspring
For ages 5 to 11

9 reviews
It’s Christmas Eve and Santa’s in a mood. He’s seen too many episodes of Supernanny and thinks children don’t deserve presents anymore, so he goes on strike. As Mrs Santa and the elves show him snapshots of family life, will he realise that Christmas is still a time of giving, caring and sharing? You bet he will, and so will your audience in this celebration of all that is good about christmas … and about children!
Stable Boy - By Daisy Bond and Ian Faraday
For ages 5 to 11

4 reviews
A Nativity musical for KS1 and lower KS2 (ages 4-9). James dreams of a glamorous life as a fisherman on the great Sea of Galilee, but in reality his days are spent tending to the assorted livestock in the stable behind a small inn in Bethlehem.
Stargazers - By Daisy Bond and Ian Faraday
For ages 5 to 11

5 reviews
Three wise men (Balthazar, Melchior and Caspar) have spent many years watching the night skies, waiting for the stars to reveal a sign of great things to come. As time goes by they have grown impatient, as well as old and grey!
Stars Come Out For Christmas, The - By Andrew Oxspring
For ages 7 to 11

4 reviews
A new updated version of one of Edgy's best-selling Christmas shows!
What Christmas Means To Me - By Andrew Oxspring
For ages 7 to 11

2 reviews
This entertaining new musical takes a witty yet thoughtful look at the characters and events that shape our experiences of the festive season.
What On Earth Is Christmas - By Nick Haworth and Andrew Oxspring
For ages 7 to 11
To those watching us from across the galaxy, we humans must seem a strange species! Some of the things we do are quite extraordinary! Yet at Christmas, with our weird and wonderful festive traditions, we are truly at our best.
Who Took All The Loo Roll? - By Nick Haworth and Andrew Oxspring
For ages 5 to 11
Who Took All The Loo Roll? is a Christmas musical for ages 4-11, including a Nativity scene. A full and shorter version of the script is included to suit both older and younger casts, with independent scenes to help make this easy to rehearse and perform in group bubbles.

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