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What A Knight! - By Craig Hawes

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What A Knight
Media/Arrangement: Printed Book
Category: All Year Round Musical Play - Musicline
Order Code: WAK01


‘This is a really superb script. I was a Kitchen Maid but that's OK for me (I'm in year 5 St.Geoge's). Our teachers loved us and the principal laughed so hard she said we brought the house down. Watt is very funny in the show and Ernie and Bernie Blackhead were really good!’  - Myra, Switzerland.

Product Description

Join King Arthur and his nutty knights on Camelot's craziest quest, as the well-loved legend comes to life in "What A Knight!", a hilarious musical adventure! A castle full of colourful characters join in the fun, including precocious princesses, a talking dragon - and not forgetting Merlin and his magic mirror!

When young squire Watt Cobblers is expelled from Knight School, he reluctantly becomes Merlin's new apprentice. But trouble is never far away and soon Camelot Castle collapses into chaos. Merlin has lost Excalibur, King Arthur's daughters have been kidnapped and his brave knights have turned into chickens. Watt and his new found friends Dusty Dragon and wayward Princess Alice set off on the biggest quest of their lives. But can our unlikely heroes rescue the princesses, save Excalibur and defeat the evil Black Knight? The answers are found in this magical production, where everyone is guaranteed to sing a lot, dance a lot and laugh a lot... at Camelot!

"What A Knight!" brings together a thrilling story, side-splitting script and a score full of contagiously catchy songs to give you a spectacular show that will be a sure hit with both cast and audience. With parts for between 26 and 60 children, plus unlimited chorus parts, this show will suit any size cast. A CD featuring sparkling, fully orchestrated backing tracks with and without vocals is available for rehearsals and performances. Age guide 7 to 12 years.

A BRAND NEW product called "Sing it!" is now available to accompany "What A Knight!". This CD-ROM teaches the songs to the children without any teacher input. Children can use it at school or at home (think of the time it will save you!). Children LOVE learning this way and the product is foolproof. Just give it to the children and they’ll do the rest. For more details about the new "Sing it!" CD-ROM, please see the video below (well worth watching).

Also available is a CD-ROM of Backdrops, which contains instant scenery with digital backdrops supplied in both a PowerPoint presentation and as individual JPG files. No more scenery painting! These images may be projected onto a screen or wall at the back of your stage or hand them to a local printer to print onto large boards or sheets in order to create your stage backdrops. They're also useful to print off for cast and stage crew to familiarise themselves with the sets and scene changes. The CD-ROM of Backdrops contains a different backdrop for every scene change.

Approximate Duration: 60 minutes


1) Overture
2) Castle Of Camelot
3) King Arthur Ain’t ’Arf A Bad King
4) How To Be Me
5) One Of A Kind
6) We’re On A Quest
7) We’re On A Quest (Reprise)
8) What A Knight

Cast List

The Narrator, Lester Lugabout

Principal Characters:
Watt Cobblers*
Kitty Cobblers
Merlin The Magician
Princess Alice*
Dusty Dragon*

The Royal Family:
King Arthur
Queen Guinevere
Princess Alberta
Princess Alfreda
Princess Almira

The Courtiers:
Lord Dorking
Lord Dudley
Lord Dent
Maid Molly
Scratch The Guard
Sniff The Guard
Jolly Jake The Jester
Colin Calvin
Keith Klein
Earl Axminster

The Good Knights:
Sir Roundsound
Sir Cumference
Sir Loinsteak
Sir Render
Sir Curity
Sir Veillance

The Squires:
Squire Salvador
Squire Sylvester
Squire Sebastian
Squire Samuel
Squire Steve
Squire Syd
Squire Stan
Squire Scott

The Black Knight's Army:
The Black Knight
Ernie Blackhead
Bernie Blackhead
Bad Bill
Bad Ben
Bad Bob
Bad Bert
Bad Brian
Marvin The Magic Mirror

* denotes characters with singing solos

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