Start browsing our extensive range of songbooks, songsheets, music books and other useful vocal resources for schools and children by selecting from the options below or use the search box at the top of the page to quickly find the specific song or book you are looking for.
For further information, please click on the links below to view the FAQ answers.
Alternatively, please Contact Us - we'd be
very happy to help.
Yes we do. If you are ordering from a UK School, Academy or Local Education Authority Establishment and would like to pay on receipt of your order, you can place your order as normal via our website, entering your Purchase Order number (optional) when requested in the shopping cart. You may also enter a different billing/invoice address to your delivery address, if required. Finally, select the "UK School Purchase Order" option when prompted and we'll do the rest.
Please Note: We are only able to process orders for the "UK School Purchase Order" payment option where the invoice is addressed to your school/academy/local education authority establishment. For all other orders, payment by debit/credit card is required at the time you place your order.
We'll quote your Purchase Order number (if entered) on our invoice - just pass our invoice for payment when you receive your music (payment terms 30 days from date of invoice).
Alternatively, you may post or fax an Order Form (PDF) to us.
For more information on placing an order with us, please see our How To Order page.
We've been trading since 1999 and we represent several different music publishers throughout the UK. Our website enables you to browse and purchase all your music in one go with just one invoice to pay. You don't have to set up an account with us first. Just add the items to your basket and proceed straight through the checkout.
We regularly receive orders from the general public, schools and colleges, academies, local education authorities, pre-schools, nursery schools, music services, music teachers, music co-ordinators, non-specialist music teachers finding themselves responsible for music in school, music tutors, stage schools, singers, actors, theatres, amdram and operatic societies, choirs, libraries and players of instruments at all levels.
If you have any further questions regarding ordering from us or would like to discuss your specific music requirements with us in more detail, then please contact us and we'll do our best to help (we have several years experience in music teaching, music theatre and musical productions).