High-Quality Primary School Musicals and Plays for Children to Perform
The largest choice of school musicals from the most respected UK publishers all here in one place.
We've conveniently arranged our school musicals for you to browse by Age Range and Key Stage by using the links in the box below (you can specify a particular publisher first too, if you prefer). On subsequent pages, you can also refine the selections by season and school term, for example, Easter Plays, Harvest Plays, Leavers' musicals and so on.
Filter by publisher (optional) and then view by Age Range/Key Stage
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School musicals captivate the imagination of children and they have so much fun and enjoyment from performing on stage in front of an audience, whilst also growing in confidence. Our complete school musical packs for primary schools, KS1, KS2, KS3 and KS4 children to perform provide you with everything you need in order to help you stage a professional school musical or drama group production with ease.
We represent the most popular leading publishers and authors in the UK including Musicline, Starshine, Edgy, The School Musicals Company, Craig Hawes, Niki Davies, Debbie Campbell and Sheila Wilson and you'll find all their children's School Musicals - plus many more musical plays from other publishers and authors too - all here in one place on our website.
Looking for inspirational musical play ideas? You'll find many more recommendations and ideas on this page, including all the latest newest school musicals and best selling plays, via the options below.
Recommended Music Resources for Easter/Spring Presentations and Assemblies
The newest School Musical Plays and Shows now available
View our Best Selling School Musical Plays for more ideas and suggestions
Rock Pool
A Shellebratory Musical by Niki Davies
Ages 5 to 11
Smash-Hit Shows by Craig Hawes
Craig Hawes has become one of the leading composers of musicals for children and we are delighted to offer his complete range of KS2 musicals on our website, including the international best sellers
"Pirates of the Curry Bean" and
"Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies".
Craig has tremendous talent and creates musicals with fabulously funny scripts and crazy characters that both adults and children find highly entertaining. The songs for his shows are all catchy and appealing which helps the children to engage and to fully showcase their talents.
Also available is the brand new intergalactic musical comedy "Star Warts - The Umpire Strikes Back" from Craig Hawes ... and it's out of this world! Star Warts boldly goes where no musical has gone before, so fasten your seatbelts, set phasers to fun and may the sauce be with you! If you're thinking about putting on a show for KS2 (ages 7 to 11) this year, be sure to check out Craig's fabulous new "Star Warts - The Umpire Strikes Back" musical comedy!
Attention UK Schools, Academies & Local Education Authority Establishments!
Did you know that you can order your school musicals via our website for payment by invoice? We'll send the invoice with your order so there's no need to pay up front on a card - ideal if you'd like to pay by school cheque, by BACS/internet banking or via your LEA.
Place your order online as usual, entering your Purchase Order number (optional) in the designated box within the shopping cart and enter your School details in the address boxes provided. Then select the "UK School Purchase Order" option when prompted and we'll do the rest.
We'll quote your Purchase Order number (if entered) on our invoice. Just pass our invoice for payment when you receive your music (payment terms 30 days from date of invoice).
A & C Black/Collins Music: Children's Roald Dahl Favourites
Starshine Music: High-Quality Primary School Musicals and Nativities
Musicline School Musicals: Professional Quality Kids School Plays
Edgy Productions: Easy-to-use School Musical Production Packs
by Andrew Oxspring
Ages 7 to 11
The School Musicals Company: Brilliant Contemporary Schools Musicals
Bethlehem Ballroom
A Toe-Tapping Musical Nativity by Tom Kirkham and Matthew Crossey
Ages 5 to 11
Musicals, Shows and Plays by Niki Davies, one of the UK's best-loved writers
Rock Pool
A Shellebratory Musical by Niki Davies
Ages 5 to 11
Debbie Campbell: Musicals across the School Curriculum
Redhead Music: Charming Children's Musicals by Sheila Wilson
Sara and Gavin's Popular School Musicals for Young Children to Perform
School Pantomime Scripts and Plays
New Editable CD-ROM School Musicals and Musicals with Enhanced CDs
Some of our school musicals are now available in "Digital CD-ROM" format and some have an "Enhanced CD" included with the printed book.
The Digital CD-ROM version contains the Script in MS Word format on a CD-ROM, enabling you to edit the text to suit your needs and to print the required multiple copies of the Script for your pupils.
The Enhanced CD versions contain the Script and other resources in PDF format on the CD which you may edit using a third-party PDF converter tool (not included) or print multiple copies of the Script from the CD, as required.
Early Years and Pre-School (ages 3-5): Newest Musical Plays
Primary and Infant Schools (ages 5-7, Key Stage 1): Newest Musical Plays
Rock Pool
A Shellebratory Musical by Niki Davies
Ages 5 to 11
Juniors (ages 7-11, Key Stage 2): Newest Musical Plays
'Myro the Musical' will send your school 'supersonic'!
Perfect for any time of the year, this exciting new musical is based on the adventures of a little British plane who moves to 'awesome' Australia.
Available as a fully Staged production, or as a Cantata for choir and narrator, 'Myro the Musical' is full of action, excitement, laughter and catchy contemporary songs.
The musical can be performed by diverse groups across Key Stages 1 and 2, and is supported by excellent resources, including on-line rehearsal videos so the children can practice at home!
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Alternatively, please Contact Us - we'd be very happy to help.

How to find a suitable School Musical Play
We have a huge choice of all the best and most popular entertaining children's school musicals, shows and plays to be found anywhere in the UK on our website, comprising Nativity Plays, Christmas Shows, Leavers' End of Year musicals, All Year Round musicals and short pieces for assembly or classroom use.
You can browse them all by selecting from the categories above or, if you know the name or order code of the musical play you're looking for, you may also use the search box at the top of this page.
Alternatively, you may also select the Best Seller options above to view our most popular best selling musical plays in order to give you more ideas and suggestions.
Our plays are conveniently arranged in Age Range/Key Stage groups in order for you to view just the plays which are suitable for your children or group. Additionally, you may then also refine the displayed selection by School Term/Season to help you to quickly find a suitable play for your performance occasion or time of the year.
Sample Scripts, Cast Lists and Sound Clips
Many of our school musical plays now have sample scripts, cast lists and sound clips for you to view and listen to online, helping you to decide which shows would be suitable before you purchase. Just look out for the PDF logos and sound clip icons on the detail pages of each item, where available.
Do you accept School Purchase Orders for payment upon receipt?
Yes we do. If you are ordering from a UK School, Academy or Local Education Authority Establishment and would like to pay on receipt of your order, you can place your order as normal via our website, entering your Purchase Order number (optional) when requested in the shopping cart. You may also enter a different billing/invoice address to your delivery address, if required. Finally, select the "UK School Purchase Order" option when prompted and we'll do the rest.
Please Note: We are only able to process orders for the "UK School Purchase Order" payment option where the invoice is addressed to your school/academy/local education authority establishment. For all other orders, payment by debit/credit card is required at the time you place your order.
We'll quote your Purchase Order number (if entered) on our invoice - just pass our invoice for payment when you receive your music (payment terms 30 days from date of invoice).
Alternatively, you may post or fax an Order Form (PDF) to us.
For more information on placing an order with us, please see our How To Order page.
Why buy from us?
We've been trading since 1999 and we represent several different music publishers throughout the UK. Our website enables you to browse and purchase all your music in one go with just one invoice to pay. You don't have to set up an account with us first. Just add the items to your basket and proceed straight through the checkout.
Who is buying from us?
We regularly receive orders from the general public, schools and colleges, academies, local education authorities, pre-schools, nursery schools, music services, music teachers, music co-ordinators, non-specialist music teachers finding themselves responsible for music in school, music tutors, stage schools, singers, actors, theatres, amdram and operatic societies, choirs, libraries and players of instruments at all levels.
How can I contact you?
If you have any further questions regarding ordering from us or would like to discuss your specific music requirements with us in more detail, then please contact us and we'll do our best to help (we have several years experience in music teaching, music theatre and musical productions).